Migrate Quality Gates

How to translate Quality Gates into Keptn Metrics and evaluations

The SLIs and SLOs used for Keptn v1 quality gates can be ported to appropriate Keptn facilities:

  • Keptn Metrics allow you to define and view metrics from multiple data sources in your Kubernetes cluster.

  • Use Keptn Evaluations to do a simple evaluation of the metrics data you capture. To implement this, transfer the information from the Keptn v1 sli.yaml and slo.yaml files into KeptnEvaluationDefinition resources.

  • Keptn v1 calculations that use weighting and scoring can be converted to use the Keptn Analysis feature. Tools are provided to help with this conversion; see below.

By default, Keptn includes additional observability features that are not included in Keptn v1:

Paradigm changes

The Keptn paradigm for evaluations and analyses differs from that of Keptn v1 quality gates:

  • Data providers are installed and configured into your Kubernetes cluster using Helm charts and standard practices.
  • Keptn supports multiple instances of multiple data providers.
  • You must populate a KeptnMetricsProvider resource for each instance of each data provider. This resource specifies the URL and namespace for the data provider and gives it a unique name that can be referenced for Keptn Metrics (which are also used for Evaluations) and Analysis.
  • Queries and objectives that are specified in your Keptn v1 sli.yaml and slo.yaml files are transferred/converted into Keptn resources.

Transfer Keptn v1 SLIs/SLOs to evaluation resources

Simple comparisons of data can be implemented as Keptn Evaluations. To implement this:

Convert Keptn v1 SLIs/SLOs to Analysis resources

The Keptn Analysis feature provides capabilities similar to those of the Keptn v1 Quality Gates feature but it uses Kubernetes resources to define the analysis to be done rather than the configuration files used for Keptn v1. Tools are provided to convert Keptn v1 SLI and SLO definitions to Keptn Analysis resources.

These instructions assume that the same SLO file has been used for all services in the project, so only one AnalysisDefinition resource (named my-project-ad) is created. If your Keptn v1 project has multiple SLOs, you need to create a separate AnalysisDefinition with a unique name for each one.

The process is:

  1. Convert the SLIs to AnalysisValueTemplates resources

    The following command sequence converts a Keptn v1 sli.yaml file to a Keptn AnalysisValueTemplate resource:

    docker run -v .:/mydata $METRICS_OPERATOR_IMAGE \
      --convert-sli=mydata/$PATH_TO_SLI \
      --keptn-provider-name=$KEPTN_PROVIDER_NAME \
      --keptn-provider-namespace=$KEPTN_PROVIDER_NAMESPACE > analysis-value-template.yaml

    This command creates an AnalysisValueTemplate resource for each SLI that is defined in the sli.yaml file.

    Note The name of each AnalysisValueTemplate resource must adhere to the Kubernetes resource naming rules. The conversion tools preserve the name of each SLI but modify the names to match the Kubernetes requirements. For example, the Response_Time SLI generates an AnalysisValueTemplate that is named response-time.

    All the SLIs for a particular sli.yaml file are defined in a file called analysis-value-template.yaml. Apply this file to your cluster with a command like the following. Be sure to specify the namespace; if you omit it, the yaml file is applied to the default namespace.

    kubectl apply -f analysis-value-template.yaml -n keptn-lifecycle-poc
  2. Convert the SLO to an AnalysisDefinition resource:

    The process of converting the Keptn v1 slo.yaml files to AnalysisDefinition resources is similar to the process of converting the SLIs. Use the following command sequence:

    docker run -v $(pwd):/mydata $METRICS_OPERATOR_IMAGE \
      --convert-slo=/mydata/$PATH_TO_SLO \
      --analysis-value-template-namespace=$ANALYSIS_VALUE_TEMPLATE_NAMESPACE \
      --analysis-definition-name=$ANALYSIS_DEFINITION_NAME > analysis-definition.yaml

    The result of this command yields an AnalysisDefinition resource that is defined in a file called analysis-definition.yaml. Apply this to your Keptn cluster with the following command. Be sure to add the namespace; if you omit it, the yaml file is applied to the default namespace.

    kubectl apply -f analysis-definition.yaml -n keptn-lifecycle-poc
  3. Create a KeptnMetricsProvider resource

    A KeptnMetricsProvider resource configures the data provider from which the values for the AnalysisValueTemplate resource are fetched. This same resource is used for any metrics and evaluations you are using. Note that Keptn supports multiple instances of multiple data providers and each AnalysisValueTemplate resource can reference a different provider,

    The KeptnMetricsProvider resource defines:

    • The URL of the server used for your data provider
    • The namespace where the data provider is located
    • (optional) Secret information to access a protected data source

    See the prometheus-provider file for an example.

  4. Define the Analysis resource to run

    Create a yaml file (such as analysis-instance.yaml) to populate the Analysis resource that defines the specific analysis you want to run. Specify the following:

    • Name of the AnalysisDefinition resource that defines the goals
    • Timeframe for which to retrieve the metrics. The from/to timestamps are added automatically to the query defined in the AnalysisValueTemplate resource.
    • (optional) List of args that specify values for this analysis that replace variables used in the queries in the AnalysisValueTemplate resources. See Passing contextual arguments to the Analysis for more information.
  5. Run the analysis

    To perform an Analysis (or “trigger an evaluation” in Keptn v1 jargon), apply the analysis-instance.yaml file:

    kubectl apply -f analysis-instance.yaml -n keptn-lifecycle-poc

    Retrieve the current status of the Analysis with the following command:

    kubectl get analysis -n keptn-lifecycle-poc

    This yields an output that looks like the following:

    analysis-sample-1   my-project-ad             true

    This shows that the analysis passed successfully.

    To get the detailed result of the evaluation, use the -oyaml argument to inspect the full state of the analysis:

    This displays the Analysis resource with the definition of the analysis as well as the status (results) of the analysis; for example:

    kubectl get analysis -n keptn-lifecycle-poc -oyaml

    {% include “metrics-observe.md_1.yaml” %}

    As can be seen in the yaml above, the status.raw property contains the detailed breakdown of the analysis goals, and whether or not they passed.

    The result of this analysis stays in the cluster until the Analysis is deleted. That also means that, if another analysis should be performed, the new analysis must be given a new, unique name within the namespace.

Passing contextual arguments to the Analysis

In some cases, especially when migrating from Keptn v1, you may want to do an analysis for different services within a project and adapt the query for fetching the metric values, based on which service/stage you are evaluating. Keptn enables you to do this by using variables in the query defined in the AnalysisValueTemplates resource and arguments that are defined in the Analysis resource for the specific analysis being run.

For example, you may have a query for retrieving the response time of a service, which is identified by its label in Prometheus. In this case, use the go templating syntax to insert a variable as a placeholder (for example, in this case, {{.service}}) for the service identifier in the prometheus query:

{% include “metrics-observe.md_2.yaml” %}

Then, if an analysis for that particular service should be performed, the name of the service can be passed to the analysis using the spec.args property from the Analysis resource:

{% include “metrics-observe.md_3.yaml” %}

This way, you can use the same AnalysisDefinition and AnalysisValueTemplates for multiple services within the same project.

Last modified 2023-12-06: with newline (eb985a74)