
Define configuration values

KeptnConfig defines Keptn configuration values.

Yaml Synopsis

{% include “config.md_1.yaml” %}


  • apiVersion – API version being used.

  • kind – Resource type. Must be set to KeptnConfig.

  • metadata

  • spec

    • OTelCollectorUrl – The URL and port of the OpenTelemetry collector This field must be populated in order to export traces to the OpenTelemetry Collector.
    • keptnAppCreationRequestTimeoutSeconds – Interval in which automatic app discovery searches for workloads to put into the same auto-generated KeptnApp. The default value is 30 (seconds).
    • cloudEventsEndpoint – Endpoint where the lifecycle operator posts Cloud Events.


Each cluster should have a single KeptnConfig CRD that describes all configurations for that cluster.


OTel example

This example specifies the URL of the OpenTelemetry collector and that the automatic app discovery should be run every 40 seconds:

{% include “config.md_2.yaml” %}


API Reference:

Differences between versions

See also

Last modified 2023-12-06: with newline (eb985a74)