
Define a run of a KeptnTaskDefinition

Keptn uses KeptnTask resources internally to manage tasks (and their underlying Kubernetes Job resources) that are run before and after deployment of your workloads
(pre- and post-deployment tasks). You do not need to create this resource yourself except in special situations, like using Keptn to manage workloads that are outside of the k8s cluster.


{% include “task.md_1.yaml” %}


  • apiVersion – API version being used.

  • kind – Resource type. Must be set to KeptnTask

  • metadata

    • name – Unique name of this run of the task. This name must be modified each time you run this KeptnTask, so a common practice is to add a number to the end of the string so you can increment the number for each run. Names must comply with the Kubernetes Object Names and IDs specification.
  • spec - Defines the specification of this KeptnTask resource

    • taskDefinition (required) – Name of the corresponding KeptnTaskDefinition resource. This KeptnTaskDefinition can be located in the same namespace or in the Keptn installation namespace.
    • context (required) – Contextual information about the task execution
      • appName (required) – Name of the KeptnApp resource for which the KeptnTask is being executed.

      • appVersion (required) – Version of the KeptnApp resource for which the KeptnTask is being executed.

      • objectType (required) – Indicates whether this KeptnTask is being executed for a KeptnApp or a KeptnWorkload resource. When populating this resource manually to run a task for a non-Kubernetes deployment, set this value to "": Keptn populates this field based on annotations to the KeptnWorkload and KeptnApp resources.

      • taskType (required) – Indicates whether this KeptnTask is part of the pre- or post-deployment phase. When populating this resource manually to run a task for a non-Kubernetes deployment, set this value to "": Keptn populates this field based on annotations to the KeptnWorkload and KeptnApp resources.

      • workloadName (required) – Name of the KeptnWorkload for which the KeptnTask is being executed.

      • workloadVersion (required) – Version of the KeptnWorkload for which the KeptnTask is being executed.

    • parameters – Parameters that are passed to the job that executes the KeptnTask.
    • secureParameters – Secure parameters that are passed to the job that executes the KeptnTask. These are stored and accessed as Kubernetes Secrets in the cluster. See Working with secrets for more information.
    • checkType – Defines whether task is part of pre- or post-deployment phase. Keptn populates this field based on annotations to the KeptnWorkload and KeptnApp resources.
    • retries – If errors occur, this defines the number of attempts made before the KeptnTask is considered to be failed.
    • timeout – Specifies the time, in seconds, to wait for the KeptnTask to complete successfully. If the KeptnTask does not complete successfully in this timeframe, it is considered to be failed.


Applying this file causes Keptn to create a Job and a Pod and run the associated KeptnTaskDefinition.

Use the following commands to show the current status of the jobs:

kubectl get keptntasks
kubectl get pods

Each time you want to rerun the KeptnTask resource, you must update the value of the field. A common practice is to just increment the value incrementally, so helloworldtask-1 becomes helloworldtask-2, etc.

For a full example of how to create a KeptnTask resource to use for a deployment being done outside of Kubernetes, see Keptn for Non-Kubernetes Applications.


API reference

Differences between versions

The syntax of the KeptnTask resource changed significantly in Keptn v0.8.0.

See also

Last modified 2023-12-06: with newline (eb985a74)