
Define tasks that can be run pre- or post-deployment

A KeptnTaskDefinition defines tasks that Keptn runs as part of the pre- and post-deployment phases of a KeptnApp or KeptnWorkload.

A Keptn task executes as a runner in an application container, which runs as part of a Kubernetes job.

Each KeptnTaskDefinition can use exactly one container with one runner. which is one of the following, differentiated by the spec section:

Synopsis for all runners

The KeptnTaskDefinition Yaml files for all runners include the same lines at the top. These are described here.

{% include “taskdefinition.md_1.yaml” %}

Fields used for all containers

  • apiVersion – API version being used. `

  • kind – Resource type. Must be set to KeptnTaskDefinition

  • metadata

    • name – Unique name of this task or container. This is the name used to insert this task or container into the preDeployment or postDeployment list. Names must comply with the Kubernetes Object Names and IDs specification.
  • spec

    • deno | python | container (required) – Define the container type to use for this task. Each task can use one type of runner, identified by this field:
      • deno – Use a deno-runtime runner and code the functionality in Deno script, which is similar to JavaScript and Typescript. See Synopsis for deno-runtime container
      • python – Use a python-runtime function and code the functionality in Python 3. See Synopsis for python-runtime runner
      • container – Use the runner defined for the container-runtime container. This is a standard Kubernetes container for which you define the image, runner, runtime parameters, etc. and code the functionality to match the container you define. See Synopsis for container-runtime container.
    • retries – specifies the number of times a job executing the KeptnTaskDefinition should be restarted if an attempt is unsuccessful.
    • timeout – specifies the maximum time to wait for the task to be completed successfully. The value supplied should specify the unit of measurement; for example, 5s indicates 5 seconds and 5m indicates 5 minutes. If the task does not complete successfully within this time frame, it is considered to be failed.

Synopsis for container-runtime

Use the container-runtime to specify your own Kubernetes container and define the task you want to execute.

Task sequences that are not part of the lifecycle workflow and should be handled by the pipeline engine tools being used such as Jenkins, Argo Workflows, Flux, and Tekton.

If you are migrating from Keptn v1, you can use a container-runtime to execute almost anything that you implemented with JES for Keptn v1.

{% include “taskdefinition.md_2.yaml” %}

Spec used only for container-runtime

  • spec
    • container – Container definition.
      • name – Name of the container that will run, which is not the same as the field that is used in the KeptnApp resource.
      • image – name of the image you defined according to image reference and image concepts and pushed to a registry
      • other fields – The full list of valid fields is available at ContainerSpec, with additional information in the Kubernetes Container spec documentation.

Synopsis for pre-defined containers

The pre-defined containers allow you to easily define a task using either Deno or Python syntax. You do not need to specify the image, volumes, and so forth. Instead, just provide either a Deno or Python script and Keptn sets up the container and runs the script as part of the task.


When using the deno-runtime runner to define a task, the executables are coded in Deno-script, (which is mostly the same as JavaScript and TypeScript) and executed in the deno-runtime runner, which is a lightweight runtime environment that executes in your namespace. Note that Deno has tighter restrictions for permissions and importing data so a script that works properly elsewhere may not function out of the box when run in the deno-runtime runner.

{% include “taskdefinition.md_3.yaml” %}


{% include “taskdefinition.md_4.yaml” %}

Fields for pre-defined containers

  • spec – choose either deno or python

    • deno – Specify that the task uses the deno-runtime and is expressed as a Deno script. Refer to deno runtime for more information about this runner.
    • python – Identifies this as a Python runner.
  • inline | httpRef | functionRef | ConfigMapRef – choose the syntax used to call the executables. Only one of these can be specified per KeptnTaskDefinition resource:


A Task executes the TaskDefinition of a KeptnApp or a KeptnWorkload. The execution is done by spawning a Kubernetes Job to handle a single Task. In its state, it tracks the current status of this Kubernetes Job.

When using a container runtime that includes a volume, an EmptyDir volume is created with the same name as is specified the container volumeMount. Note that, if more volumeMounts are specified, only one volume is created with the name of the first volumeMount. By default, the size of this volume is 1GB. If the memory limit for the container is set, the size of the volume is 50% of the memory allocated for the node.

A task can be executed either pre-deployment or post-deployment as specified in the pod template specs of your Workloads (Deployments, StatefulSets, DaemonSets, and ReplicaSets) and in the KeptnApp resource. See Pre- and post-deployment tasks for details. Note that the annotation identifies the task by name. This means that you can modify the function code in the resource definition and the revised code is picked up without additional changes.

All KeptnTaskDefinition resources specified to the KeptnApp resource at the same stage (either pre- or post-deployment) run in parallel. You can run multiple executables sequentially either by using the inline syntax for a pre-defined container image or by creating your own image and running it in the Keptn container-runtime runner. See Executing sequential tasks for more information.

Examples for a container-runtime runner

For an example of a KeptnTaskDefinition that defines a custom container. see container-task.yaml. This is a trivial example that just runs busybox, then spawns a shell and runs the sleep 30 command:

kind: KeptnTaskDefinition
  name: container-sleep
  namespace: podtato-kubectl
    name: testy-test
    image: busybox:1.36.1
      - 'sh'
      - '-c'
      - 'sleep 30'

This task is then referenced in the app.yaml file.

Examples for deno-runtime runner

Example 1: inline script for a Deno script

This example defines a full-fledged Deno script within the KeptnTaskDefinition YAML file:

{% include “taskdefinition.md_5.yaml” %}

Example 2: httpRef script for a Deno script

This example fetches the Deno script from a remote webserver at runtime:

{% include “taskdefinition.md_6.yaml” %}

For another example, see the sample-app.

See the sample-app/version-1 PodtatoHead example for a more complete example.

Example 3: functionRef for a Deno script

This example calls another defined task, illustrating how one KeptnTaskDefinition can build on top of other KeptnTaskDefinitions. In this case, it calls slack-notification-dev, passing parameters and secureParameters to that other task:

{% include “taskdefinition.md_7.yaml” %}

Example 4: ConfigMapRef for a Deno script

This example references a ConfigMap by the name of dev-configmap that contains the code for the function to be executed.

{% include “taskdefinition.md_8.yaml” %}

Example 5: ConfigMap for a Deno script

This example illustrates the use of both a ConfigMapRef and a ConfigMap:

{% include “taskdefinition.md_9.yaml” %}

Examples for a python-runtime runner

Example 1: inline code for a python-runtime runner

You can embed python code directly in the task definition. This example prints data stored in the parameters map:

kind: KeptnTaskDefinition
  name: scheduled-deployment-inline
        mydata: "my-user-defined"
      code: |
        # Get environment variables
        data = os.getenv('DATA')

Example 2: httpRef for a python-runtime runner

You can refer to code stored online. For example, we have a few examples available in the python-runtime samples tree.

Consider the following:

kind: KeptnTaskDefinition
  name: scheduled-deployment
      name: python-test-cm
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: python-test-cm
  code: |
    print("Hello, World!")    

Example 3: functionRef for a python-runtime runner

You can refer to an existing KeptnTaskDefinition. This example calls the inline example but overrides the data printed with what is specified in the task:

kind: KeptnTaskDefinition
  name: scheduled-deployment-2
        mydata: "my-other-data"
      name: scheduled-deployment-inline

Example 4: ConfigMapRef for a python-runtime runner

kind: KeptnTaskDefinition
  name: scheduled-deployment
      name: python-test-cm
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: python-test-cm
  code: |
    print("Hello, World!")    

Allowed libraries for the python-runtime runner

The following example shows how to use some of the allowed packages, namely: requests, json, git, and yaml:

kind: KeptnTaskDefinition
  name: python-inline
      code: |
        import sys
        import json
        import yaml
        print("Hello, World!")
        dct = yaml.safe_load('''
        name: John
        age: 30
          - brand: Honda
            type: Odyssey
            year: 2018
          - brand: Toyota
            type: Sienna
            year: 2015
        assert dct['name'] == 'John'
        assert dct['age'] == 30
        assert len(dct["automobiles"]) == 2
        assert dct["automobiles"][0]["brand"] == "Honda"
        assert dct["automobiles"][1]["year"] == 2015
        # some JSON:
        x =  '{ "name":"John", "age":30, "city":"New York"}'
        # parse x:
        y = json.loads(x)
        # the result is a Python dictionary:

Passing secrets, environment variables and modifying the python command

The following examples show how to pass data inside the parameter map, how to load a secret in your code, and how to modify the python command. In this case the container runs with the -h option, which prints the help message for the python3 interpreter:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: mysecret
type: Opaque
kind: KeptnTaskDefinition
  name: pre-deployment-hello
    python: test
        user: "myuser"
      secret: mysecret
    cmdParameters: "-h"
      code: |
        import os
        import yaml
        data = os.getenv('DATA')
        dct = yaml.safe_load(data)
        USER= dct['user']
        PASSWORD = os.environ.get('SECURE_DATA')

More examples

See the lifecycle-operator/config/samples directory for more example KeptnTaskDefinition YAML files.


API Reference:

Differences between versions

The KeptnTaskDefinition support for the container-runtime and python-runtime is introduced in v0.8.0. This modifies the synopsis in the following ways:

  • Add the spec.container field.
  • Add the python descriptor for the python-runtime runner.
  • Add the container descriptor for the container-runtime runner.
  • Add the deno descriptor to replace function for the deno-runtime runner. The function identifier for the deno-runtime runner is deprecated; it still works for v 0.8.0 but will be dropped from future releases.
  • The spec.function field is changed to be a pointer receiver. This aligns it with the spec.container field, which must be a pointer, and enables KeptnTask to omit it when it is empty, which it must be when spec.container is populated.


  • Only one runtime is allowed per KeptnTaskDefinition resource.

  • Only one secret can be passed per KeptnTaskDefinition resource.

See also

Last modified 2023-12-06: with newline (eb985a74)